The second day of my second Dublin trip we didn't leave the house, barely even the couch. You see we bought a lot of stuff for the Asia trip this summer because there were a thousand things we hadn't bought yet and back then it was only what? three and a half week left? Yeah, so we had a lot to fix. Since robert's been in dublin it's been hard to just get enough time to fix all this together so now that I was in dublin for almost a week we decided to take one day for those necessities.
Sweet robert in the morning. Little tired <3 |
So what did we buy then? A lot of things as I said. But first of all - Eyemasks.
The first eyemask was one of the cheapest eyemasks around on ebay, and they had these cute fronts, so I bought myself a panda and robert wanted something more neutral so he got a black one with ZZZZ's
But then I saw this. A 3D eyemask that leaves space for your eyes to move around! My eyelashes are superlong, so I always have problem sleeping with regular eyemasks because they kind of... get stuck? So when I saw this I had to get that one too! (they were like one dollar each so it didn't really matter) Robert wanted one too but said he would use the other eyemask as insurance in case this one made us look like bug eyes hahah. Is it just me or does it almost look like a bandeu bra? haha! Can't wait to see how funny we will look with it on!
The next thing is an obvious one - mosquito repellant! There will be a lot of infectious mosquitoes over in asia, so we need to protect ourselves! We've taken the vaccination precautions and brought malaria profylax with us, but you can't vaccinate against all the diseases they spread so we still have to be super careful!
The next thing we bought (or actually I bought) is this waterproof camera bag that supposedly will make me able to submerge my camera up to 20m depth. I'm thinking that way I can snorkel and maybe (if I dare!) even dive with it and take pictures under the sea! :D
Somewhere in the middle of the long day of researching what was the best mosquito repellant, and whether we needed a mosquito net, and what waterproof camera bag was good and buying stuff and so on we needed a snack. And in the fridge robert had brie cheese!! It's pretty expensive in sweden so I wondered how he could afford to snack on it. But apparently he had got one pack of brie for 1 Euro! (That's like 10kr and a little over 1 dollar) so we just snacked away! So cheap! I should have brought some home :x So we snacked and continued to research and buy stuff.
Another mosquito repellant. Though this one is a plug in version that you plug in and within 30 minutes it will kill all insects and mosquitoes in the room! So great! So when we return for the night we put this on and we can go to bed safely without getting bitten! It's supposed to be super effective too. Hope it works as it claims haha.
And finally, a pretty silly thing. A mini compass to put on our backpacks. I didn't really think we needed one - it's not like we're going to treck alone in the woods or anything - but Robert said it can be good to have in the city also, like knowing which side of the subway station to go up on or something. Oh well, they were also under one dollar, so I didn't fuss. No point when they don't cost nothing lah!
Robert cooking food with a little murderous intent ;) |
Then in the evening we were so hungry and tired that we stopped our relentless searching and buying and just cooked and eat dinner instead. We hadn't gone to the store so there weren't much home - but we managed to scrape together some breaded fish with corn and peas.
Then, finally decided it was time for some relaxation. So the rest of the evening we watched hunter x hunter and chatted with roberts roomie Sara and her parents that was also there for a visit.
We never left the house that day, but we surely did the next. But that's for next time :)