
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Travels for the (half) blind

So as you all already know by now, me and my boyfriend are going for this huuuge backpacking trip this summer (I've added a little info about it in the sidebar for those of you who are new), and there's a lot to think about especially since the hygiene won't be the best in most places. One of those things is my daily lens-routine. I bet trying to keep them real clean when putting them in and taking them out every night will be quite hard in an unhygienic hostel or bungalow, and I want to refrain from infections in my eyes, that wouldn't be a nice surprice.

So, I've been looking into these day & night lenses that you put in once, and then wear for a month! Depending on your eyes you might have to take them out once every other week over night but it's fully possible to have them on for an entire month too. That would be perfect for our travels! That way I can sleep with the lenses on and won't have to worry as much about the cleaning process of them.

Of course I don't want to just buy them right before the trip and just hope they work, instead I decided to buy them now since It's time for new monthly lenses anyway and try them out.

I decicded to try out the cheapest ones that I could find with good reviews, so I ended up with Cooper Vision's Biofinity lenses.

I always order from as they have low prices and delivers really fast, and got one pack of lenses (contains six lenses so it's enough for three months) for 175kr! (ca 26USD) It's only a few kr more expensive than my regular monthly lenses so it will probably be worth it if they work well, especially since I won't have to buy as much lens-fluid for these lenses.

They will probably show up tomorrow or friday so then I will see how they work!



  1. Interesting. Good planning to try before the trip.

    How important do you think reviews are when buying something new?

    1. Very important!
      Whenever (not always, but most of the time)I buy something new I always look it up online (or ask my friends about it) first! That way I usually avoid the bad stuff that don't work or where the company selling the product is just bullshitting. If the reviews are bad I won't buy it - then I will find something similar with better reviews.

      So yes, I think it's pretty important :)

  2. Jag har exakt dessa linserna! Har använt dem i ett par år och de fungerar huur bra som helst. Otroligt skönt att slippa ta ut och tvätta varje kväll. Sparar mycket på linsvätskan. Glöm dock inte att inte kolla under vatten ;) Om de faller ut (mina gör det ibland om jag gnuggar mycket i ögonen) så brukar jag bara skölja av dem med vatten (om ens det) innan jag sätter in dem och det fungerar prima :) Sen har jag inte särskilt känsliga ögon heller, men dessa är hur som helst grymma!

  3. Åh va bra! Låter som att jag inte valt fel då :)

    Jag brukar ha simglasögon under vatten om jag vill kolla under vatten, har aldrig riktigt gillat att kolla under vatten :P Men så har jag ju sim-tävlat när jag var mindre, så jag hade alltid simglasögon :P

    Jag brukar också bara skölja i vatten om de ramlar ut, jag har aldrig varit supernoga - men vi har ju så rent vatten här i sverige - i ett land där man blir magsjuk om man dricker vattnet pga bakterierna så tror jag inte att det är en lika bra ide tyvärr.

