
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

When you need to live like a cavewoman

My internet mysteriously stopped working. Usually i just need to restart it and it works fine, but today - no such luck. So, i called my internet provider, and after about 23 minutes they were mystified. Apparently i had found some sort of weird signal error.
So, until it's fixed i'm living like a caveman with only 3g internet on my cellphone. ;) So like any real caveman (or cavewoman) i opened my spa box, put on a ginseng and jasmine face mask, hopped into a vanilla and elderflower bubblebath and brought two books (one for schoolwork and one for leisure) and a bottle of water with me.

The schoolbook i'm reading and the face mask.

It may take a while to get the internet back, but I'm prepared!


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