
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It's kind of a hobby of mine

I don't know if if i've said it before, but i LOVE to try out new random stuff. It's kind of a hobby of mine.

When i lived at home i used to watch tv-shop and managed to persuade my parents buy random stuff from For example, I (either by my parents buying it, or me buyin myself when i got older) have tried out the magic bullet when it was sold, the abtronic X2, h20 mop x5, some kind of rotating device that was supposed o remove hair with microbeads (i can't remember it's name) and sheer cover.

There's probably something else that i'm forgetting but either way i like to try out stuff whether it's something i buy in a store or off the internet. Preferably new cool stuff with affordable prices. I'm not rich after all.

So a page like Groupon is a regular site i visit. I get daily offers from them and some of them i swoon over, and yet a few of those i buy.
The package I received yesterday

This time, i have bought something about a month ago and it arrived yesterday!
What was in the package - two different kinds of blackhead squeezers

So what the heck is it? Well it's two sticks that apparrently can squeeze out your blackheads better than you and your nails can. I don't have huge pores, but as any other there's still blackheads in them and no scrubbing or squeezing in the world gets rid of all of them. So i thought i'd try this pore squeezing stick thingy.

It's literally called blackhead squeezers and although i got mine through an offer on Groupon (giving me 50% off on them) they're originally a product from ILUsweden.

Now i have tried it once yesterday evening and i plan to try out the product first a few more times before i give a review on the product - i always want my reviews to be fair, and when it comes to skin care products it's usually best to try it out several times to see it's full effect.

So i will try it out a few more times and then give you a full review (of course with horrific close up before and after images of my pores ;) gotta make it real)

so what are your bets? Will it work or not?


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