
Friday, July 5, 2013

Travel Diary - Of to Otress

Waking up relaxed and ready to take on everything the world could throw at us we took a quick swim in the pool before walking over to our new favorite restaurant for breakfast. This box reflected our mood perfectly:

After a splendid meal we felt it was time for some adventure and together with the British we rented 4 bicycles to take us to Otress Beach. Our bikes were old and scrawny but we as we were only borrowing them for a few hours we figured it was okay. Off we went and with slow trudging motion we wound our way along the country side. We didn't go 100 meters however before one of Wayus pedals flew off. Guess you get what you pay for :p 

We had to stop to ask for directions several times but in the end we found the beach! The tide was high and the wind was blowing with some power so we had to build a protective wall around us so that the water wouldn't drench our stuff. Wayu took it a little bit further and build a castle to go with the wall :)

We walked into the cooling water and Wayu had her first taste of how waves can be both fun and dangerous. We played around in the water and had great fun letting the waves lift us up, or diving through them but suddenly we found ourselves being a bit to far out for comfort - no longer being able to reach the bottom with our feet. With the waves being so high not having any leverage was dangerous and so we started swimming back to shore. The problem was that the waves were strong and instantly pulled us back out again. You had to have the exact right timing to be able to move forward. Robert who had some experience with waves like these managed to slowly get back to shore, but Wayu swam with all her might only to be pulled back out again. It took about ten minutes before Wayu found the right timing and managed to get back to shore. Exhausted from the excertion and with adrenaline pumping from the trying experience Wayu sat down in the sand to rest and calm down.

After this we were all pretty much out of energy and we decided on some late lunch. The boost was sorely needed and afterwards we took our bikes and began our way back home. Wayu immediately said that her bike was acting up again and sure enough she had a flat back tire. 
We slowly trudged forward, the way back almost only uphill while dodging cows also travelling the road. Oh and did we forget to say that it started pouring halfway back? 
Needless to say, luck was not really on our side...

When we got into our room we both collapsed in a chair and read our respective books for a while without even uttering a word. 

After a while we felt it was time for some beer for Robert and a banana chocolate smoothie for Wayu so off to Sky Bar we went. The english couple was already there when we arrived and also a slightly older Norwegian couple with their son. They were both a great crack, especially the father whom spoke with ease about everything. 

We brought them to our dinner place and we all enjoyed really good cuisine, except the son who was a  bit picky with his food and only ate a bowl of rice.

After dinner we went back to Sky Bar for some more drinks and ended up staying untill wee hours. An eventfull day with many laughs cries and alot of frustration to say the least!

//Wayu & Robert

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