
Sunday, November 25, 2012

The beginning of christmas

Yesterday was an awfully lazy day. An internet game that my boyfriend happens to play a lot was having tournaments in a huge game gathering here in sweden called dreamhack and they were streaming the matches online. The game is called Dota and is an online strategy game. Anyway, since robert always plays the game he wanted to see the best of the best play and so we watched the quarter finals, semi finals and finals.

Yesterday i played around with my hair that had turned all curly cause i fell asleep with wet har in a bun... :p

And that's basically all we did all day :p we cheered on the almost all swedish gaming group called "no tidehunter" and finally, about two in the morning, they won! :) not a very productive day but it feels good to be lazy the day after a test so it's alright :)

Today on the other hand we decided to go out instead, so we rode into town and walked around in the christmas decorated streets and tasted cheeses and jam and looked at all kinds of stuff at the different christmas markets and flee markets.

There were small "cabins" All over the christmas market that had ginger bread hearts hanging from the ceiling and lights all over the roofs, they were really pretty things <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="br">

All the city smelled of burnt almonds and we found one place that specialised in different flavours! :)

For example sesame flavoured burnt almonds! We wanted to buy some but had no loose cash :p we usually only use cards haha :)

Inside the central market tent of the christmas market.

Robert and i played around with some fun winter hats we found in one market tent :)

I tried one of those russian fur hats, didn't quite fit me though, maybe with a moustache and a beard? ;)

Finally we ended our day by going to my parents place for sunday dinner :) my oldest brother Henrik and his fiance yvonne was also there :)

We ate a recipe from a service called "Linas matkasse", where you pay to get recipes and a bag with ingredients directly to your door. My parents have decided to try it out to get some variety and new recipes. The recipe we tried out today was however not a huge succes, it wasn't bad, but it wasn't really good either. It was some kind of meat with oven cooked root vegetables, potatoes and a balsamic vinegar sauce.
After the meal we had ice cream and some kind of butterbread wrapped chocolate pastry.

All in all, it's been a really nice day and end to the weekend.
Now i'm once again on the train back to Örebro.

What have you guys done this weekend? :)


1 comment:

  1. Måste först säga att jag gillar den där ryska mössan! x3
    I helgen hände 2 saker värt att nämna.
    1. Var med några kompisar hela lördagen, alla vi har inte umgåtts på jag vet inte hur länge och dagen slutade med en film, God Bless America. Riktigt sevärd film enligt mig, den avspeglar dagens samhälle riktigt bra enligt mig xD
    2. Formel 1 finalen var i söndags, det var det näst mest intressanta loppet jag sätt i hela mitt liv. Tyvärr så förlorade personen jag hejade på VM med 3 poäng :/ Hade han tagit 1 till placering eller hade han som kom först i VM förlorat en placering i loppet hade han vunnit, så extremt intressant. Hoppas på bättre lycka nästa säsong <3
